There once was a dog named Barter who had magical powers and could fly. But he could only fly if he is wearing an orange turbin. But a boy named Chris was wearing the orange turbin because he knows that Barter could only fly if he is wearing the orange turbin someway somehow. So Barter said "can I have taht please?". Chris said "nope i want to ride with you then maybe you can have it". Barter decided to let Chris get on his back and ride him because Barter really wanted to fly.

U.S Foreign Policy In Iran

In the article that i read they were talking a lot about how they didn't want to help because they don't want people to get confused with who is our friends and who is our enemy. I don't think that is a real problem because if you have an enemy then you know exactly who it is, and if you have a friend you also know who exactly that is. So i think that what the gov. says about being confused who the enemy is total bs.