Novalena Betancourt

Back in the day a young woman named Novalena Betancourt grew up in the Bay Aea of San Francisco. She had a farely normal childhood u might say and she is very close with her parents. Her parents defintely taught her right from wrong, for instance her father was able to teach her some of the best values to live by which she still lives by to this day. Those values are love, connection, and growth. She takes on that knowledge and puts it through every aspect of her life. But she also has some regrets in her life... you know she had her college moments in her past and she has learned from those mistakes and that's the important thing. Now she is a writer and comes up with some really good books that she herself publishes them. Everything is goin accordin to her plan and her ay and that is because she had a good experience and life lessons through out her life.


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